
One on One with Dr Andy Yarborough

Dr. Andy Yarborough, Pastor Chad Fisher

In this one on one, Pastor Chad and Dr. Andy discuss the ways we tend to push back on the wisdom of God’s Word relating to the toxic influences, thoughts, relationships and words that keep us stuck and offer helpful insight for those who want to be free.

Toxic Words

Chad Hampton

The words we speak carry the power of life and death. In this week’s message, Pastor Chad Hampton teaches us how to use our words to build others up and declare God’s promises over every challenge, helping us walk His way with faith and purpose.

Toxic Relationships

Pastor Chad Fisher

Nothing will determine the direction and quality of your life more than the company you keep. In this message Pastor Chad teaches us how to stay away from toxic relationships and how to rightly view, choose and prioritize the right ones.

Toxic Influences

Pastor Chad Fisher

Too often, we are either unaware or unwilling to actually think about and address the negative and toxic influences in our lives. In this message, Pastor Chad teaches us how to think rightly and apply God’s Word when it comes to the influences that are shaping us for better or for worse.

Toxic Thoughts

Pastor Chad Fisher

So much of the way we live begins with the way we think. In this message, Pastor Chad teaches us how to think rightly, and how to attack and replace every toxic thought that undermines our God-given potential with the truth of God’s Word.