But the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last [days] some in the church will turn away from Christ and become eager followers of teachers with devil-inspired ideas. These teachers will tell lies with straight faces and do it so often that their consciences won’t even bother them. Stay true to what is right and God will bless you and use you to help others. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, 16 (TLB)
But the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last [days] some in the church will turn away from Christ and become eager followers of teachers with devil-inspired ideas. These teachers will tell lies with straight faces and do it so often that their consciences won’t even bother them. Stay true to what is right and God will bless you and use you to help others. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, 16 (TLB)
For the word of the Lord is right and true. Psalm 33:4