When Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in John 11, He reveals to us His power over sickness and disease and even death and His identity as The Great I AM.
Using the story of Jesus healing the man born blind, Pastor Chad makes the point that this isn’t a story about a blind man “only,” but the story of blind men – of which we all are apart from Jesus – who is the Only One with power to open blind eyes.
In this message, Pastor Chad uses the 5th miracle sign of Jesus walking on water to teach us that Jesus can turn any storm into a teaching platform.
What does the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 teach us about Jesus and the part that we have an opportunity to play in His working of miracles in our own lives?
As we continue to walk through the seven miracle signs of Jesus in the book of John, Pastor Chad shares what we can learn about Jesus through the Only God Can Healing of the Man at the Pool.
As we continue in our series on the seven miracle signs recorded in the book of John, Pastor Todd Marrah walks us through what we can learn about Jesus through the healing of the Nobleman’s son.
Happy Birthday Rock City! Today we look back and celebrate some of the “ONLY GOD CAN” miracles of the last thirteen years, and begin our series of the seven miracle signs recorded in the Gospel of John, beginning with the first, where Jesus turns water to wine.