Our musicians and vocalists serve various ministries of our church, from Rock City Youth to prison campuses, as well as Sunday worship experiences at all Rock City locations. Our church is sustained by amazing volunteers who have a desire to steward their musical gifts for God’s glory and for the people of this church.
There are two different ways to audition: Submit a video audition or schedule a one-on-one audition with your campus worship director. However you choose to audition, please reference the details below. (Note that both audition methods require an initial submission of a short video clip of you singing/playing.)
Important information about your audition: Rock City Worship’s audition process is intended to give you an idea of how to practice outside of rehearsal spaces. This is a good indication of how our worship teams communicate and get themselves ready. The process of listening to content and preparing for your audition at home is very similar to how you would prepare for our services. Note that all of our campuses utilize in-ear monitoring. Click-track competency is essential for each musician and vocalist.
At any time, you can create and submit an audition video to be submitted to the worship director at your home campus.
Submit your video audition HERE.
At any time, you can contact your campus worship director to set up an in-person audition time. (Note that live auditions require an initial video submission.)
Schedule your audition HERE.
If submitting a video audition, your first step is to record a 20-30 second video of yourself playing/singing a song of your choice. Then, upload your videos to YouTube, publish them as “unlisted” and paste the URL to your video within your audition application. (Phone or computer camera quality is completely acceptable!)
Upon submission of your initial video and if you are selected to move forward, more in-depth video audition instructions and resources will be provided.
If requesting a live audition, your first step is to record a 20-30 second video of yourself playing/singing a song of your choice. Then, upload your videos to YouTube, publish them as “unlisted” and paste the URL to your video within your audition application. (Phone or computer camera quality is completely acceptable!)
In you are selected for a live audition, additional instructions and resources will be provided to help you prepare for your live audition.
For live auditions, drummers and keyboardists will use the Rock City Church stage drums and keyboard. All guitarists and bassists will need to bring their personal instruments. In addition, you are asked to bring a pair of in-ear monitors or headphones to use during your audition.
We will review your audition and evaluate any possible and relevant opportunities on our team. You will receive a follow-up via email from a member of our team with your next steps. Again, we are so grateful for your interest in serving with us at Rock City Church. No matter the team you serve on, we believe that Rock City Church’s volunteers – from the parking lot to the platform – are working together to MAKE HEAVEN FULL!